<TPA_Extensions> <DivideInParty Indicator="true"/> </TPA_Extensions> ------------------------------------------------ What is the DivideInParty indicator? On multiple passenger requests, if passenger types require different booking codes for the lowest fare, they must be booked in different Passenger Name Records (PNRs).
For example, if the ADT passenger type must be booked in Q and the CHD passenger type must be booked in V, they cannot be booked in the same PNR. This requires two separate PNRs, otherwise known as Divide in Party. -----------------------------------------------
验证在供应商方面禁用 DivideInParty选项。如果启用此选项,切换到预定时将观察到飞行成本的大量增加 ========================================================== 看得稀里糊涂的
CAN-KUL;OD;OD613;2018-01-22 03:10:00/2018-01-22 07:15:00 这个查1大人,1小孩最低舱的话,是返回V+Q舱,大人V,小孩Q
结果里会出现<DivideInParty Indicator="true"/>
表示,要分开,弄两个PNR才行,大人小孩不能放一个PNR里了。 ------------------------------------------------- 是否开启或关闭DivideInParty,是属于IPCC本身的设置,需要联系sabre人员进行开启或关闭。