就是这个: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/16192/Graphic-JavaScript-Tree-with-Layout
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ECOTree.js |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | (c) 2006 Emilio Cortegoso Lobato | | ECOTree is a javascript component for tree drawing. It implements the node positioning | algorithm of John Q. Walker II "Positioning nodes for General Trees". | | Basic features include: | - Layout features: Different node sizes, colors, link types, alignments, separations | root node positions, etc... | - Nodes can include a title and an hyperlink, and a hidden metadata. | - Subtrees can be collapsed and expanded at will. | - Single and Multiple selection modes. | - Search nodes using title and metadata as well. | | This code is free source, but you will be kind if you don't distribute modified versions | with the same name, to avoid version collisions. Otherwise, please hack it! | | References: | | Walker II, J. Q., "A Node-Positioning Algorithm for General Trees" | Software — Practice and Experience 10, 1980 553-561. | (Obtained from C++ User's journal. Feb. 1991) | | Last updated: October 26th, 2006 | Version: 1.0 \------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
ECONode = function (id, pid, dsc, w, h, c, bc, target, meta) { this.id = id; this.pid = pid; this.dsc = dsc; this.w = w; this.h = h; this.c = c; this.bc = bc; this.target = target; this.meta = meta; this.siblingIndex = 0; this.dbIndex = 0; this.XPosition = 0; this.YPosition = 0; this.prelim = 0; this.modifier = 0; this.leftNeighbor = null; this.rightNeighbor = null; this.nodeParent = null; this.nodeChildren = []; this.isCollapsed = false; this.canCollapse = false; this.isSelected = false; }
ECONode.prototype._getLevel = function () { if (this.nodeParent.id == -1) {return 0;} else return this.nodeParent._getLevel() + 1; }
ECONode.prototype._isAncestorCollapsed = function () { if (this.nodeParent.isCollapsed) { return true; } else { if (this.nodeParent.id == -1) { return false; } else { return this.nodeParent._isAncestorCollapsed(); } } }
ECONode.prototype._setAncestorsExpanded = function () { if (this.nodeParent.id == -1) { return; } else { this.nodeParent.isCollapsed = false; return this.nodeParent._setAncestorsExpanded(); } }
ECONode.prototype._getChildrenCount = function () { if (this.isCollapsed) return 0; if(this.nodeChildren == null) return 0; else return this.nodeChildren.length; }
ECONode.prototype._getLeftSibling = function () { if(this.leftNeighbor != null && this.leftNeighbor.nodeParent == this.nodeParent) return this.leftNeighbor; else return null; }
ECONode.prototype._getRightSibling = function () { if(this.rightNeighbor != null && this.rightNeighbor.nodeParent == this.nodeParent) return this.rightNeighbor; else return null; }
ECONode.prototype._getChildAt = function (i) { return this.nodeChildren[i]; }
ECONode.prototype._getChildrenCenter = function (tree) { node = this._getFirstChild(); node1 = this._getLastChild(); return node.prelim + ((node1.prelim - node.prelim) + tree._getNodeSize(node1)) / 2; }
ECONode.prototype._getFirstChild = function () { return this._getChildAt(0); }
ECONode.prototype._getLastChild = function () { return this._getChildAt(this._getChildrenCount() - 1); }
ECONode.prototype._drawChildrenLinks = function (tree) { var s = []; var xa = 0, ya = 0, xb = 0, yb = 0, xc = 0, yc = 0, xd = 0, yd = 0; var node1 = null; switch(tree.config.iRootOrientation) { case ECOTree.RO_TOP: xa = this.XPosition + (this.w / 2); ya = this.YPosition + this.h; break; case ECOTree.RO_BOTTOM: xa = this.XPosition + (this.w / 2); ya = this.YPosition; break; case ECOTree.RO_RIGHT: xa = this.XPosition; ya = this.YPosition + (this.h / 2); break; case ECOTree.RO_LEFT: xa = this.XPosition + this.w; ya = this.YPosition + (this.h / 2); break; } for (var k = 0; k < this.nodeChildren.length; k++) { node1 = this.nodeChildren[k]; switch(tree.config.iRootOrientation) { case ECOTree.RO_TOP: xd = xc = node1.XPosition + (node1.w / 2); yd = node1.YPosition; xb = xa; switch (tree.config.iNodeJustification) { case ECOTree.NJ_TOP: yb = yc = yd - tree.config.iLevelSeparation / 2; break; case ECOTree.NJ_BOTTOM: yb = yc = ya + tree.config.iLevelSeparation / 2; break; case ECOTree.NJ_CENTER: yb = yc = ya + (yd - ya) / 2; break; } break; case ECOTree.RO_BOTTOM: xd = xc = node1.XPosition + (node1.w / 2); yd = node1.YPosition + node1.h; xb = xa; switch (tree.config.iNodeJustification) { case ECOTree.NJ_TOP: yb = yc = yd + tree.config.iLevelSeparation / 2; break; case ECOTree.NJ_BOTTOM: yb = yc = ya - tree.config.iLevelSeparation / 2; break; case ECOTree.NJ_CENTER: yb = yc = yd + (ya - yd) / 2; break; } break;
case ECOTree.RO_RIGHT: xd = node1.XPosition + node1.w; yd = yc = node1.YPosition + (node1.h / 2); yb = ya; switch (tree.config.iNodeJustification) { case ECOTree.NJ_TOP: xb = xc = xd + tree.config.iLevelSeparation / 2; break; case ECOTree.NJ_BOTTOM: xb = xc = xa - tree.config.iLevelSeparation / 2; break; case ECOTree.NJ_CENTER: xb = xc = xd + (xa - xd) / 2; break; } break; case ECOTree.RO_LEFT: xd = node1.XPosition; yd = yc = node1.YPosition + (node1.h / 2); yb = ya; switch (tree.config.iNodeJustification) { case ECOTree.NJ_TOP: xb = xc = xd - tree.config.iLevelSeparation / 2; break; case ECOTree.NJ_BOTTOM: xb = xc = xa + tree.config.iLevelSeparation / 2; break; case ECOTree.NJ_CENTER: xb = xc = xa + (xd - xa) / 2; break; } break; } switch(tree.render) { case "CANVAS": tree.ctx.save(); tree.ctx.strokeStyle = tree.config.linkColor; tree.ctx.scale(tree.config.zoomRatio,tree.config.zoomRatio); //canvas zoom tree.ctx.beginPath(); switch (tree.config.linkType) { case "M": tree.ctx.moveTo(xa,ya); tree.ctx.lineTo(xb,yb); tree.ctx.lineTo(xc,yc); tree.ctx.lineTo(xd,yd); break; case "B": tree.ctx.moveTo(xa,ya); tree.ctx.bezierCurveTo(xb,yb,xc,yc,xd,yd); break; } tree.ctx.stroke(); tree.ctx.restore(); break; case "VML": switch (tree.config.linkType) { case "M": s.push('<v:polyline points="'); s.push(xa + ' ' + ya + ' ' + xb + ' ' + yb + ' ' + xc + ' ' + yc + ' ' + xd + ' ' + yd); s.push('" strokecolor="'+tree.config.linkColor+'"><v:fill on="false" /></v:polyline>'); break; case "B": s.push('<v:curve from="'); s.push(xa + ' ' + ya + '" control1="' + xb + ' ' + yb + '" control2="' + xc + ' ' + yc + '" to="' + xd + ' ' + yd); s.push('" strokecolor="'+tree.config.linkColor+'"><v:fill on="false" /></v:curve>'); break; } break; } } return s.join(''); }
ECOTree = function (obj, elm) { this.config = { iMaxDepth : 100, iLevelSeparation : 40, iSiblingSeparation : 40, iSubtreeSeparation : 80, iRootOrientation : ECOTree.RO_TOP, iNodeJustification : ECOTree.NJ_TOP, topXAdjustment : 0, topYAdjustment : 0, render : "AUTO", linkType : "M", linkColor : "blue", nodeColor : "#CCCCFF", nodeFill : ECOTree.NF_GRADIENT, nodeBorderColor : "blue", nodeSelColor : "#FFFFCC", levelColors : ["#5555FF","#8888FF","#AAAAFF","#CCCCFF"], levelBorderColors : ["#5555FF","#8888FF","#AAAAFF","#CCCCFF"], colorStyle : ECOTree.CS_NODE, useTarget : true, searchMode : ECOTree.SM_DSC, selectMode : ECOTree.SL_MULTIPLE, defaultNodeWidth : 80, defaultNodeHeight : 40, defaultTarget : 'javascript:void(0);', expandedImage : './img/less.gif', collapsedImage : './img/plus.gif', transImage : './img/trans.gif', zoomRatio:1, canvasWidth:400, canvasHeight:400 } this.version = "1.1"; this.obj = obj; this.elm = document.getElementById(elm); this.self = this; this.render = (this.config.render == "AUTO" ) ? ECOTree._getAutoRenderMode() : this.config.render; this.ctx = null; this.canvasoffsetTop = 0; this.canvasoffsetLeft = 0; this.maxLevelHeight = []; this.maxLevelWidth = []; this.previousLevelNode = []; this.rootYOffset = 0; this.rootXOffset = 0; this.nDatabaseNodes = []; this.mapIDs = {}; this.root = new ECONode(-1, null, null, 2, 2); this.iSelectedNode = -1; this.iLastSearch = 0; }
//Constant values
//Tree orientation ECOTree.RO_TOP = 0; ECOTree.RO_BOTTOM = 1; ECOTree.RO_RIGHT = 2; ECOTree.RO_LEFT = 3;
//Level node alignment ECOTree.NJ_TOP = 0; ECOTree.NJ_CENTER = 1; ECOTree.NJ_BOTTOM = 2;
//Node fill type ECOTree.NF_GRADIENT = 0; ECOTree.NF_FLAT = 1;
//Colorizing style ECOTree.CS_NODE = 0; ECOTree.CS_LEVEL = 1;
//Search method: Title, metadata or both ECOTree.SM_DSC = 0; ECOTree.SM_META = 1; ECOTree.SM_BOTH = 2;
//Selection mode: single, multiple, no selection ECOTree.SL_MULTIPLE = 0; ECOTree.SL_SINGLE = 1; ECOTree.SL_NONE = 2;
ECOTree._getAutoRenderMode = function() { var r = "VML"; var is_ie6 = /msie 6\.0/i.test(navigator.userAgent); var is_ff = /Firefox|Chrome/i.test(navigator.userAgent); var is_ie9 = /msie 9\.0|msie 10\.0/i.test(navigator.userAgent); if (is_ff || is_ie9) r = "CANVAS"; return r; }
//CANVAS functions... ECOTree._roundedRect = function (ctx,x,y,width,height,radius) { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x,y+radius); ctx.lineTo(x,y+height-radius); ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x,y+height,x+radius,y+height); ctx.lineTo(x+width-radius,y+height); ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x+width,y+height,x+width,y+height-radius); ctx.lineTo(x+width,y+radius); ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x+width,y,x+width-radius,y); ctx.lineTo(x+radius,y); ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x,y,x,y+radius); ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); }
ECOTree._canvasNodeClickHandler = function (tree,target,nodeid) { if (target != nodeid) return; tree.selectNode(nodeid,true); }
//Layout algorithm ECOTree._firstWalk = function (tree, node, level) { var leftSibling = null; node.XPosition = 0; node.YPosition = 0; node.prelim = 0; node.modifier = 0; node.leftNeighbor = null; node.rightNeighbor = null; tree._setLevelHeight(node, level); tree._setLevelWidth(node, level); tree._setNeighbors(node, level); if(node._getChildrenCount() == 0 || level == tree.config.iMaxDepth) { leftSibling = node._getLeftSibling(); if(leftSibling != null) node.prelim = leftSibling.prelim + tree._getNodeSize(leftSibling) + tree.config.iSiblingSeparation; else node.prelim = 0; } else { var n = node._getChildrenCount(); for(var i = 0; i < n; i++) { var iChild = node._getChildAt(i); ECOTree._firstWalk(tree, iChild, level + 1); }
var midPoint = node._getChildrenCenter(tree); midPoint -= tree._getNodeSize(node) / 2; if(midPoint<0)midPoint=0; //最左边的节点,可能<0,导致出界 leftSibling = node._getLeftSibling(); if(leftSibling != null) { node.prelim = leftSibling.prelim + tree._getNodeSize(leftSibling) + tree.config.iSiblingSeparation; //如果根据左边兄弟节点的位置来推算,大于当前节点计算出的位置,则当前节点需要右移,所以要计算差值 if(node.prelim>midPoint){ node.modifier = node.prelim - midPoint; }else{ //如果小于当前节点计算出的位置,就别动了,否则容易导致最底层的节点,X坐标<0 node.modifier = 0; } ECOTree._apportion(tree, node, level); } else { node.prelim = midPoint; } } }
ECOTree._apportion = function (tree, node, level) { var firstChild = node._getFirstChild(); var firstChildLeftNeighbor = firstChild.leftNeighbor; var j = 1; for(var k = tree.config.iMaxDepth - level; firstChild != null && firstChildLeftNeighbor != null && j <= k;) { var modifierSumRight = 0; var modifierSumLeft = 0; var rightAncestor = firstChild; var leftAncestor = firstChildLeftNeighbor; for(var l = 0; l < j; l++) { rightAncestor = rightAncestor.nodeParent; leftAncestor = leftAncestor.nodeParent; modifierSumRight += rightAncestor.modifier; modifierSumLeft += leftAncestor.modifier; }
var totalGap = (firstChildLeftNeighbor.prelim + modifierSumLeft + tree._getNodeSize(firstChildLeftNeighbor) + tree.config.iSubtreeSeparation) - (firstChild.prelim + modifierSumRight); if(totalGap > 0) { var subtreeAux = node; var numSubtrees = 0; for(; subtreeAux != null && subtreeAux != leftAncestor; subtreeAux = subtreeAux._getLeftSibling()) numSubtrees++;
if(subtreeAux != null) { var subtreeMoveAux = node; var singleGap = totalGap / numSubtrees; for(; subtreeMoveAux != leftAncestor; subtreeMoveAux = subtreeMoveAux._getLeftSibling()) { subtreeMoveAux.prelim += totalGap; subtreeMoveAux.modifier += totalGap; totalGap -= singleGap; }
} } j++; if(firstChild._getChildrenCount() == 0) firstChild = tree._getLeftmost(node, 0, j); else firstChild = firstChild._getFirstChild(); if(firstChild != null) firstChildLeftNeighbor = firstChild.leftNeighbor; } }
ECOTree._secondWalk = function (tree, node, level, X, Y) { if(level <= tree.config.iMaxDepth) { var xTmp = tree.rootXOffset + node.prelim + X; var yTmp = tree.rootYOffset + Y; var maxsizeTmp = 0; var nodesizeTmp = 0; var flag = false; switch(tree.config.iRootOrientation) { case ECOTree.RO_TOP: case ECOTree.RO_BOTTOM: maxsizeTmp = tree.maxLevelHeight[level]; nodesizeTmp = node.h; break;
case ECOTree.RO_RIGHT: case ECOTree.RO_LEFT: maxsizeTmp = tree.maxLevelWidth[level]; flag = true; nodesizeTmp = node.w; break; }
switch(tree.config.iNodeJustification) { case ECOTree.NJ_TOP: node.XPosition = xTmp; node.YPosition = yTmp; break; case ECOTree.NJ_CENTER: node.XPosition = xTmp; node.YPosition = yTmp + (maxsizeTmp - nodesizeTmp) / 2; break; case ECOTree.NJ_BOTTOM: node.XPosition = xTmp; node.YPosition = (yTmp + maxsizeTmp) - nodesizeTmp; break; } if(flag) { var swapTmp = node.XPosition; node.XPosition = node.YPosition; node.YPosition = swapTmp; } switch(tree.config.iRootOrientation) { case ECOTree.RO_BOTTOM: node.YPosition = -node.YPosition - nodesizeTmp; break; case ECOTree.RO_RIGHT: node.XPosition = -node.XPosition - nodesizeTmp; break; } if(node._getChildrenCount() != 0) ECOTree._secondWalk(tree, node._getFirstChild(), level + 1, X + node.modifier, Y + maxsizeTmp + tree.config.iLevelSeparation); var rightSibling = node._getRightSibling(); if(rightSibling != null) ECOTree._secondWalk(tree, rightSibling, level, X, Y); } }
ECOTree.prototype._positionTree = function () { this.maxLevelHeight = []; this.maxLevelWidth = []; this.previousLevelNode = []; ECOTree._firstWalk(this.self, this.root, 0); switch(this.config.iRootOrientation) { case ECOTree.RO_TOP: case ECOTree.RO_LEFT: this.rootXOffset = this.config.topXAdjustment + this.root.XPosition; this.rootYOffset = this.config.topYAdjustment + this.root.YPosition; break; case ECOTree.RO_BOTTOM: case ECOTree.RO_RIGHT: this.rootXOffset = this.config.topXAdjustment + this.root.XPosition; this.rootYOffset = this.config.topYAdjustment + this.root.YPosition; } ECOTree._secondWalk(this.self, this.root, 0, 0, 0); }
ECOTree.prototype._setLevelHeight = function (node, level) { if (this.maxLevelHeight[level] == null) this.maxLevelHeight[level] = 0; if(this.maxLevelHeight[level] < node.h) this.maxLevelHeight[level] = node.h; }
ECOTree.prototype._setLevelWidth = function (node, level) { if (this.maxLevelWidth[level] == null) this.maxLevelWidth[level] = 0; if(this.maxLevelWidth[level] < node.w) this.maxLevelWidth[level] = node.w; }
ECOTree.prototype._setNeighbors = function(node, level) { node.leftNeighbor = this.previousLevelNode[level]; if(node.leftNeighbor != null) node.leftNeighbor.rightNeighbor = node; this.previousLevelNode[level] = node; }
ECOTree.prototype._getNodeSize = function (node) { switch(this.config.iRootOrientation) { case ECOTree.RO_TOP: case ECOTree.RO_BOTTOM: return node.w;
case ECOTree.RO_RIGHT: case ECOTree.RO_LEFT: return node.h; } return 0; }
ECOTree.prototype._getLeftmost = function (node, level, maxlevel) { if(level >= maxlevel) return node; if(node._getChildrenCount() == 0) return null; var n = node._getChildrenCount(); for(var i = 0; i < n; i++) { var iChild = node._getChildAt(i); var leftmostDescendant = this._getLeftmost(iChild, level + 1, maxlevel); if(leftmostDescendant != null) return leftmostDescendant; }
return null; }
ECOTree.prototype._selectNodeInt = function (dbindex, flagToggle) { if (this.config.selectMode == ECOTree.SL_SINGLE) { if ((this.iSelectedNode != dbindex) && (this.iSelectedNode != -1)) { this.nDatabaseNodes[this.iSelectedNode].isSelected = false; } this.iSelectedNode = (this.nDatabaseNodes[dbindex].isSelected && flagToggle) ? -1 : dbindex; } this.nDatabaseNodes[dbindex].isSelected = (flagToggle) ? !this.nDatabaseNodes[dbindex].isSelected : true; }
ECOTree.prototype._collapseAllInt = function (flag) { var node = null; for (var n = 0; n < this.nDatabaseNodes.length; n++) { node = this.nDatabaseNodes[n]; if (node.canCollapse) node.isCollapsed = flag; } this.UpdateTree(); }
ECOTree.prototype._selectAllInt = function (flag) { var node = null; for (var k = 0; k < this.nDatabaseNodes.length; k++) { node = this.nDatabaseNodes[k]; node.isSelected = flag; } this.iSelectedNode = -1; this.UpdateTree(); }
ECOTree.prototype._drawTree = function () { var s = []; var node = null; var color = ""; var border = ""; for (var n = 0; n < this.nDatabaseNodes.length; n++) { node = this.nDatabaseNodes[n]; switch (this.config.colorStyle) { case ECOTree.CS_NODE: color = node.c; border = node.bc; break; case ECOTree.CS_LEVEL: var iColor = node._getLevel() % this.config.levelColors.length; color = this.config.levelColors[iColor]; iColor = node._getLevel() % this.config.levelBorderColors.length; border = this.config.levelBorderColors[iColor]; break; } if (!node._isAncestorCollapsed()) { switch (this.render) { case "CANVAS": //Canvas part... this.ctx.save(); this.ctx.scale(this.config.zoomRatio,this.config.zoomRatio); //canvas zoom this.ctx.strokeStyle = border; switch (this.config.nodeFill) { case ECOTree.NF_GRADIENT: var lgradient = this.ctx.createLinearGradient(node.XPosition,0,node.XPosition+node.w,0); lgradient.addColorStop(0.0,((node.isSelected)?this.config.nodeSelColor:color)); lgradient.addColorStop(1.0,"#F5FFF5"); this.ctx.fillStyle = lgradient; break; case ECOTree.NF_FLAT: this.ctx.fillStyle = ((node.isSelected)?this.config.nodeSelColor:color); break; } ECOTree._roundedRect(this.ctx,node.XPosition,node.YPosition,node.w+2,node.h,5); //this.ctx.fillStyle = 'blue'; //this.ctx.font = 'simsun 14px'; //this.ctx.fillText("Hello World!",node.XPosition,node.YPosition); this.ctx.restore(); //HTML part... s.push('<div id="node_' + node.id + '" class="econode" style="z-index:2;font-size:' + 14*this.config.zoomRatio + 'px;top:'+(node.YPosition*this.config.zoomRatio+this.canvasoffsetTop)+'px; left:'+(node.XPosition*this.config.zoomRatio+this.canvasoffsetLeft)+'px; width:'+node.w*this.config.zoomRatio+'px; height:'+node.h*this.config.zoomRatio+'px;"'); if (this.config.selectMode != ECOTree.SL_NONE) s.push('onclick="javascript:ECOTree._canvasNodeClickHandler('+this.obj+',event.target.id,\''+node.id+'\');" '); s.push('>'); if (node.canCollapse) { s.push('<a id="c' + node.id + '" href="javascript:'+this.obj+'.collapseNode(\''+node.id+'\', true);" >'); s.push('<img border=0 src="'+((node.isCollapsed) ? this.config.collapsedImage : this.config.expandedImage)+'" >'); s.push('</a>'); s.push('<img src="'+this.config.transImage+'" >'); } if (node.target && this.config.useTarget) { s.push('<a id="t' + node.id + '" href="'+node.target+'">'); s.push(node.dsc); s.push('</a>'); } else { s.push(node.dsc + node.XPosition); } s.push('</div>'); break; case "VML": s.push('<v:roundrect id="' + node.id + '" strokecolor="'+border+'" arcsize="0.18" '); s.push('style="position:absolute; top:'+node.YPosition+'; left:'+node.XPosition+'; width:'+node.w+'; height:'+node.h+'" '); if (this.config.selectMode != ECOTree.SL_NONE) s.push('href="javascript:'+this.obj+'.selectNode(\''+node.id+'\', true);" '); s.push('>'); s.push('<v:textbox inset="0.5px,0.5px,0.5px,0.5px" ><font face=Verdana size=1>'); if (node.canCollapse) { s.push('<a href="javascript:'+this.obj+'.collapseNode(\''+node.id+'\', true);" >'); s.push('<img border=0 src="'+((node.isCollapsed) ? this.config.collapsedImage : this.config.expandedImage)+'" >'); s.push('</a>'); s.push('<img src="'+this.config.transImage+'" >'); } if (node.target && this.config.useTarget) { s.push('<a href="'+node.target+'">'); s.push(node.dsc); s.push('</a>'); } else { s.push(node.dsc); } s.push('</font></v:textbox>'); switch (this.config.nodeFill) { case ECOTree.NF_GRADIENT: s.push('<v:fill type=gradient color2="'+((node.isSelected)?this.config.nodeSelColor:color)+'" color="#F5FFF5" angle=90 />'); break; case ECOTree.NF_FLAT: s.push('<v:fill type="solid" color="'+((node.isSelected)?this.config.nodeSelColor:color)+'" />'); break; } s.push('<v:shadow type="single" on="true" opacity="0.7" />'); s.push('</v:roundrect>'); break; } if (!node.isCollapsed) s.push(node._drawChildrenLinks(this.self)); } } return s.join(''); }
ECOTree.prototype.toString = function () { var s = []; this._positionTree(); switch (this.render) { case "CANVAS": //width,height must here. s.push('<canvas id="ECOTreecanvas" width=' + this.config.canvasWidth + ' height=' + this.config.canvasHeight + '></canvas>'); break; case "HTML": s.push('<div class="maindiv">'); s.push(this._drawTree()); s.push('</div>'); break; case "VML": s.push('<v:group coordsize="10000, 10000" coordorigin="0, 0" style="position:absolute;width=10000px;height=10000px;" >'); s.push(this._drawTree()); s.push('</v:group>'); break; } return s.join(''); }
// ECOTree API begins here...
ECOTree.prototype.UpdateTree = function () { this.elm.innerHTML = this; //when vml,it include text node already. if (this.render == "CANVAS") { var canvas = document.getElementById("ECOTreecanvas"); //IE getContext fixed. if (typeof window.G_vmlCanvasManager!="undefined") { canvas=window.G_vmlCanvasManager.initElement(canvas); } if (canvas && canvas.getContext) { this.canvasoffsetLeft = canvas.offsetLeft; this.canvasoffsetTop = canvas.offsetTop; this.ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); var htmlTxt = this._drawTree(); if (document.createRange) {// all browsers, except IE before version 9 var rangeObj = this.elm.ownerDocument.createRange(); rangeObj.setStartBefore(this.elm); if (rangeObj.createContextualFragment) {// all browsers, except IE var documentFragment = rangeObj.createContextualFragment (htmlTxt); this.elm.appendChild(documentFragment); } else { // Internet Explorer from version 9 this.elm.insertAdjacentHTML ("afterBegin", htmlTxt); } } else { // Internet Explorer before version 9 this.elm.insertAdjacentHTML ("afterBegin", htmlTxt); } } } }
ECOTree.prototype.add = function (id, pid, dsc, w, h, c, bc, target, meta) { var nw = w || this.config.defaultNodeWidth; //Width, height, colors, target and metadata defaults... var nh = h || this.config.defaultNodeHeight; var color = c || this.config.nodeColor; var border = bc || this.config.nodeBorderColor; var tg = (this.config.useTarget) ? ((typeof target == "undefined") ? (this.config.defaultTarget) : target) : null; var metadata = (typeof meta != "undefined") ? meta : ""; var pnode = null; //Search for parent node in database if (pid == -1) { pnode = this.root; } else { for (var k = 0; k < this.nDatabaseNodes.length; k++) { if (this.nDatabaseNodes[k].id == pid) { pnode = this.nDatabaseNodes[k]; break; } } } var node = new ECONode(id, pid, dsc, nw, nh, color, border, tg, metadata); //New node creation... node.nodeParent = pnode; //Set it's parent pnode.canCollapse = true; //It's obvious that now the parent can collapse var i = this.nDatabaseNodes.length; //Save it in database node.dbIndex = this.mapIDs[id] = i; this.nDatabaseNodes[i] = node; var h = pnode.nodeChildren.length; //Add it as child of it's parent node.siblingIndex = h; pnode.nodeChildren[h] = node; }
ECOTree.prototype.searchNodes = function (str) { var node = null; var m = this.config.searchMode; var sm = (this.config.selectMode == ECOTree.SL_SINGLE); if (typeof str == "undefined") return; if (str == "") return; var found = false; var n = (sm) ? this.iLastSearch : 0; if (n == this.nDatabaseNodes.length) n = this.iLastSeach = 0; str = str.toLocaleUpperCase(); for (; n < this.nDatabaseNodes.length; n++) { node = this.nDatabaseNodes[n]; if (node.dsc.toLocaleUpperCase().indexOf(str) != -1 && ((m == ECOTree.SM_DSC) || (m == ECOTree.SM_BOTH))) { node._setAncestorsExpanded(); this._selectNodeInt(node.dbIndex, false); found = true; } if (node.meta.toLocaleUpperCase().indexOf(str) != -1 && ((m == ECOTree.SM_META) || (m == ECOTree.SM_BOTH))) { node._setAncestorsExpanded(); this._selectNodeInt(node.dbIndex, false); found = true; } if (sm && found) {this.iLastSearch = n + 1; break;} } this.UpdateTree(); }
ECOTree.prototype.selectAll = function () { if (this.config.selectMode != ECOTree.SL_MULTIPLE) return; this._selectAllInt(true); }
ECOTree.prototype.unselectAll = function () { this._selectAllInt(false); }
ECOTree.prototype.collapseAll = function () { this._collapseAllInt(true); }
ECOTree.prototype.expandAll = function () { this._collapseAllInt(false); }
ECOTree.prototype.collapseNode = function (nodeid, upd) { var dbindex = this.mapIDs[nodeid]; this.nDatabaseNodes[dbindex].isCollapsed = !this.nDatabaseNodes[dbindex].isCollapsed; if (upd) this.UpdateTree(); }
ECOTree.prototype.selectNode = function (nodeid, upd) { this._selectNodeInt(this.mapIDs[nodeid], true); if (upd) this.UpdateTree(); }
ECOTree.prototype.setNodeTitle = function (nodeid, title, upd) { var dbindex = this.mapIDs[nodeid]; this.nDatabaseNodes[dbindex].dsc = title; if (upd) this.UpdateTree(); }
ECOTree.prototype.setNodeMetadata = function (nodeid, meta, upd) { var dbindex = this.mapIDs[nodeid]; this.nDatabaseNodes[dbindex].meta = meta; if (upd) this.UpdateTree(); }
ECOTree.prototype.setNodeTarget = function (nodeid, target, upd) { var dbindex = this.mapIDs[nodeid]; this.nDatabaseNodes[dbindex].target = target; if (upd) this.UpdateTree(); }
ECOTree.prototype.setNodeColors = function (nodeid, color, border, upd) { var dbindex = this.mapIDs[nodeid]; if (color) this.nDatabaseNodes[dbindex].c = color; if (border) this.nDatabaseNodes[dbindex].bc = border; if (upd) this.UpdateTree(); }
ECOTree.prototype.getSelectedNodes = function () { var node = null; var selection = []; var selnode = null; for (var n=0; n<this.nDatabaseNodes.length; n++) { node = this.nDatabaseNodes[n]; if (node.isSelected) { selnode = { "id" : node.id, "dsc" : node.dsc, "meta" : node.meta } selection[selection.length] = selnode; } } return selection; }