Queue 0 General
队列0是强制的,默认激活的,必须有的,不能删除的~~ 如果请求的队列号不存在,比如请求队列50,50没有,那么就会把pnr放到队列0里面。
其他队列,可以根据需要自己创建。 ----------------------------------------- To create an Personal Q-account Step 1: Enter “ QTQ” & get a number which is not listed (used or occupied) on QTQ.
Step 2: choose the number and enter : QA(selected no.)C01 (enter) RESPONSE with : Queue Activated
Step 3: QAQ(selected no.)(designated name) - eg. QAQ38Jenny (enter) RESPONSE with : OK …….now you may go to QTQ and find your specified name and Q no. there. ------------------------------- PLACE PNR on specific created Q number : QE38 enter
RESPONES with : On Queue – RLOC no. shown)
You need to input “QExx” to your PNR so that all airlines messages will generate to your personal Q line instead of the general Q system.