关键词说明: Process Private: 分配给单一Process专用的内存 Mapped File: 用来储放档案内容快取(Cache)的内存空间 Shared Memory: 标注给多个Process共用的内存分页(Page,内存管理单位) Page Table: 用来描述虚拟内存位址的分页表(裡面是一笔一笔的PTE,Page Table Entries) Paged Pool: 允许移至硬盘的核心集区内存(Kernal Pool Memory) Nonpaged Pool: 不允许移至硬盘的核心集区内存 System PTEs: 与I/O空间、核心堆叠、内存描述清单等系统分页相关的PTE Session Private: 登入工作阶段相关的内存 Metafile: 是系统快取的一部份,包含NTFS Metadata(包含MFT及其他NTFS Metadata档案)。在MFT中,每个档案属性记录佔用1K,而一个档案至少有一个属性记录,再加上其他NTFS Metadata档,当档案数众多,这块会很快速成长。 AWE: 启用Address Windowing Extension技术所使用的相关内存空间(较常应用在SQL或其他DB) Driver Locked: 驱动程式锁定的实体内存。多用于I/O的暂时性小量应用,如果有装RAMDisk,也会算在这一区。 Kernel Stack: 核心执行绪推叠,执行绪愈多,用量愈大。
Active: Pages of physical RAM in active use by the specified category (usually a process working set or the system working set). Standby: Pages of physical RAM not actively being used. These are still left in physical RAM but will be repurposed first by the memory manager (either returned to the active list or zeroed out and reused) if something needs physical ram for active pages. Modified: Similar to Standby, but these are pages of physical RAM that have been changed and must be flushed to disk before reusing them. Modified no write: Similar to modified pages but have been marked not to write out to disk. Transition: Pages that are in transition between any of the other categories Zeroed: Pages that have been zeroed out and are ready to be used – they can be quickly allocated for new physical memory allocations Free: Free pages are free to be used but have some type of “dirty” data in them so they must be zeroed for security reasons before given to a user process. These are usually pages that have been freed by an existing process. Bad: These are physical pages that have been marked as bad.